Hard work pays up - How I secured my dream promotion

Zamokuhle Mkhize
January 25, 2024
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I am delighted to share my insights after being promoted to senior accountant at Accensis.

The journey has been a profound learning experience, and I can benefit others facing a similar professional milestone.

On the 1st of September 2023, I received the gratifying news of my promotion.

With time and consistent efforts to grow, you, too can achieve a promotion (Photo: Icons Team)

While the initial joy was undeniable, realising the challenges ahead accompanied the excellent news.

The senior accountant role demands more autonomy, less supervision and an increased capacity to tackle queries independently.

The excitement outweighed the sudden awareness of an increased workload. 

The first step in preparing for this transition involved taking initiative. I started by investing my time in communication with clients.

I began with small tasks like requesting documents and responding to queries within my knowledge scope. 

My incremental approach helped build my confidence, paving the way for more significant responsibilities, such as presenting monthly financial reports to the Board of Child Welfare Durban and District

Addressing their queries during these presentations offered a hands-on experience in handling responsibility and thinking on my feet.

It's crucial to note that these results took time. Instead, they achieved one victory at a time. The continuous learning curve in this journey is something I embrace and appreciate. 

There's always more to learn and improve upon, making this a dynamic and fulfilling experience.

For those finding themselves on a similar trajectory, here are some essential tips:

Continuous Preparation

Refresh your knowledge in your field to stay current.  Gradually take on more responsibilities, relieving your managers of some tasks.

Technical and Tactical Abilities

Improve your technical and tactical abilities to handle complex queries and responsibilities. Be the go-to person for your team in addressing technical challenges.

With a supportive employer, you too can see your dreams become a reality (Photo: Guille Alvarez)

Leadership and Communication

Develop leadership and communication skills as you guide a team. You could approach an experienced senior to mentor you and sign up for further education courses.

Effectively communicate complex information to clients in a way that they can understand. 


Embrace the change with positive arms. Remember, senior roles often come with evolving responsibilities. 

View challenges as opportunities for growth and development.

Mentorship and Collaboration

Act as a mentor to junior team members, sharing your knowledge and providing guidance. 

Foster a collaborative team environment for collective success.

I am grateful to work in an environment where my team has accepted and understood my new role.

Accensis has also been instrumental in providing training sessions that prepare us for senior roles, contributing significantly to my professional growth.

The journey from a junior to a senior accountant is ongoing and filled with opportunities to learn and grow. I am eager to continue this journey and contribute my best efforts to the success of Accensis.